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I got a pull…

I got a pull on my left thigh, suspected from running or maybe my spine. Geez, not that I am any good at running. But well, I got a pull. It has been for 4 to 5 months if I have not mistaken. There’s no pain during normal activities except stretching the legs wide. The pull is from my groin all the way to the back of the knee. It can be felt in Trikoasana. Man, I can hardly stretch my legs in Upavistha. Should I be sad?
So I went to Bains Physiotherapy. I secretly kinda like it because I get to learn from the doctors. The unstoppable questions asked were answered. Like the muscles movement, the gravity and what kind of support for the body to reduce pains. Interesting isn’t it? There was a moment while laying on the bed thinking how nice it would be if I am physiotherapist. It’s gonna help me a lot in my practice. Blerk.
There are few exercises that I have to do. One of it is calves stretching.
Mrs. Bains: Did you do it at home?
Me: Doc, I don’t have a slant board at home and I don’t feel comfortable stepping on the block, so I did downward dog. Does it help?.
Mrs. Bains: Yes, dear. It helps. You are smart.
Hehe… Feeling proud to be a yoga practitioner.
Thank God it’s my last treatment today. Ka-ching! Ka-ching! The pain is way much lesser now. Mr. Richardo advised to do a restorative pose to loosen up my thighs. Supta Baddha Konasana with sand bag that it is. 🙂
I wish everyone on earth good health and do take care. Have a lovely day.
Love and peace,
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