Home practice…

… at times, I enjoy practicing at home especially when you are home alone. Whoot!! That’s when you get to enjoy the alone time. Say yes to agree with me please. That’s when no one will say me giler when I am experimenting and practicing. And then tumble and fall, clumsily. Voilà!!

It’s a rainy evening and there’s nowhere I will be going. I wish you all a pleasant evening and enjoy your practice. 🙂
Namaste, Melle.

i heart sewing…

… supposed to attend a class in Kajang but body was too sore from yesterday’s class. Reluctant for home-practice either. I repeatedly mumbled, ‘Mind over matters. Mind over matters’ but it’s not working. I am in o.u.c.h. !! =P

Tsk tsk tsk…

But hey, I spent most of my Saturday sewing for new products to be launched in May. I do good. I feel good. 😀

I wish you all who drop by my blog a very nice Saturday.
Love and peace, Melle.


When I practice at home, I will start with Surya Namaskara – 2 sets a least with a few variations. It stretches the entire body especially when comes to lunge pose, I will stay for a few extra breath. I like it because it helps focus on the groin to open up the entire pelvis & hips.

I am back for classes now. I feel blessed that I don’t feel the intense pull when my legs are stretched wide open. Need to build up my strength back again. And I still need to keep doing the exercises from Mrs. Bains. So I decided to do Uttanasana for my lower back, calves and hamstring.

  1. Stand in TADASANA (Mountain Pose). Place your hands on your hips.
  2. Draw your knees and thighs up, lock your kneecaps, exhale – lengthen the spine out as you bend forward from the hips.
  3. Reach down with your back straight, and place your hands on the floor beside your feet and look up. Take one or two breaths.
  4. With an exhalation, extend your trunk down completely and allow your head to release toward the floor. To release further forward, lift your inner thighs up into the pelvis and lift your sit bones. Allow your breath to become quiet and even. Hold for 20-30 seconds.

    Variation: If you can’t reach your hand on the floor, place your hands on the block infront your feet and look up. Lengthening your spine to the crown of your head. Legs are straight. From here you can feel the excellent stretch on your legs.

I hope you enjoy the practice.

Namaste~ Melle


Hello Saturday…

I am going to continue with my experiment today.

Did you know? Headstand works on your upper body, but when you lower your legs parallel with the floor in half-headstand, you’ll work on your arms and core immensely.

I wish you all a happy and lovely Saturday. Happy practicing. Namaste, Melle.

Experiment in progress…

Mmm… mm… wrong fabric picked. I can’t make a Boho pants with polyester. No, it’s not cotton either. It doesn’t drape beautifully. I went check out with some aunties/uncles in a few shops. Span? Sponge? I didn’t get it clearly although I pasang telinga (pay attention) but I don’t find it nice to ask for a repeat. Back home, I googled it. It’s span. Hmm… by the look of the images none looks like it. I am gonna check it out again with few more shops.

Fortunately, I managed to get a piece of ‘span’ for my next attempt. Fingers crossed that I got the correct fabric. Then I will have new products in store. 🙂

Have a nice day, everyone.
Luv, Melle.

I got a pull…

I got a pull on my left thigh, suspected from running or maybe my spine. Geez, not that I am any good at running. But well, I got a pull. It has been for 4 to 5 months if I have not mistaken. There’s no pain during normal activities except stretching the legs wide. The pull is from my groin all the way to the back of the knee. It can be felt in Trikoasana. Man, I can hardly stretch my legs in Upavistha. Should I be sad?

So I went to Bains Physiotherapy. I secretly kinda like it because I get to learn from the doctors. The unstoppable questions asked were answered. Like the muscles movement, the gravity and what kind of support for the body to reduce pains. Interesting isn’t it? There was a moment while laying on the bed thinking how nice it would be if I am physiotherapist. It’s gonna help me a lot in my practice. Blerk.

There are few exercises that I have to do. One of it is calves stretching.

Mrs. Bains: Did you do it at home?
Me: Doc, I don’t have a slant board at home and I don’t feel comfortable stepping on the block, so I did downward dog. Does it help?.
Mrs. Bains: Yes, dear. It helps. You are smart.

Hehe… Feeling proud to be a yoga practitioner.

Thank God it’s my last treatment today. Ka-ching! Ka-ching! The pain is way much lesser now. Mr. Richardo advised to do a restorative pose to loosen up my thighs. Supta Baddha Konasana with sand bag that it is. 🙂

I wish everyone on earth good health and do take care. Have a lovely day.

Love and peace,