My Humble Yoga Journey – Utthan Pristhasana

lizard pose

In my Surya Namaskar practice, I always have this asana included without fail.This is such a great asana for opening the hips, hamstring and groins. It strengthens the inner thigh muscles of the front leg and opens the shoulders. I can also feel the opening of the back of the knees.

Above picture is a modified version by clasping the hand behind and bring the crown of the head to the floor. It is quite wobbly before I could find the balance. 🙂

My Humble Yoga Journey, Gopako.
Wearing, Handmade Iyengar Yoga Shorts.

100% Handmade Iyengar Yoga Shorts.

Drafting, cutting and sewing.

The idea of hand-making the yoga shorts came from my very first yoga instructor, Shammee. She introduced me the shorts she bought from India and asked to duplicate this shorts for a performance about 3 years back and one for her.

It was kinda weird wearing the yoga shorts for the first few times. And not long after, I felt in love with it especially when I start Iyengar yoga. The elastic cuff keeps the shorts close to the skin especially during inverted poses. The Diamond shaped gusset allows me to move freely during the practice. Loose fitting increases mobility and comfort.


Now, here I am working passionately with Gopako. More ideas and new things to come. I sincerely hope that Gopako will have all of your continuous support.

~ Namaste.