My Humble Yoga Journey – Stop. Slow Down. Breathe.

I did not get in touch with my mat for the past week. Full the brim with guiltiness. *Grins*

It was my bad for procrastinated and did not prepare myself for my Japanese Language exam. Last minute revision is seriously a torture! Thank goodness that I’ve passed the exam with Grade A *ahem*. Notes to self, no more last minute study for my next semester. NO MORE!

While I was studying with droopy eyes and stuck brain, basically the whole revision session was blur-blank-study-for-the-sake-of-study, one of my yogi friends tagged me for Stop-Drop-Yoga. It was a perfect timing for me take a break. Yeah, I should stop for a while. No point forcing. Drop myself on the mat. And of course, let’s yoga! And I choose Warrior 3 and stretch with all my might. Mmm… 🙂

At times, we need to stop for a while. Go out to the park, cafeteria, pantry, even toilet just for a drop of pee. Do something. Talk to people. Crack some jokes perhaps. We must always remember to breathe and slow down. Inhale, exhale.

When I was younger, I ask my mom what will happen if we hold our gas. And her answer was, “Your face will turn green!”. I hope you are giggling if not laughing. Comes to think about this, it is theoretically true that we need to let go of what we have in ourselves. Let go of all hatred, stress, sadness, you name it. Else not only the face will turn green, our mind, body and health will be affected. True?

Well people, let it go and fart! Don’t-lah do it “secretly” unless you are 100% sure it does not smell.



My Humble Yoga Journey, Gopako.

Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana.

After a dew days break from the holidays, I add Parivrtta Jany Sirsasana (Revolved Head to Knees Pose) in my practice to work on the tiny muscles between the side ribs while giving the torso a welcome twist. This Asana helps stretching the spine, shoulders and hamstrings. It also aids in digestion and stimulates blood circulation to the spine that may help relieve backaches.

To begin with this pose, practice Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation), Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog), Uttanasana (Standing Forward Bend), Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose), Upavistha Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend), Janu Sirsasana (Head-of-the-Knee Pose), Utthita Parsvakonasana (Extended Side Angle Pose) and Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose).

1 Sit on the floor in Dandasana (Seated Staff Pose) with your torso upright. Bend your left knee and bring the heel to the inner right thigh – close to the right groin if possible. Square both hips to the front.

2 On you inhalation, raise the arms over the head. Rotate the lower abdomen to turn the torso the right. Keeping the spine long, as you exhale, lean the upper body forward and grasp the left foot with both hands. If that is difficult, bring your arm to your shin or higher up towards the thigh if necessary.

3 Once you are comfortable and you have sufficient flexibility, lay your right forearm on the floor inside your right leg, palm facing up. Turn your right palm toward the inside edge of the foot and take hold of it. Thumb on the top of the foot, fingers on the sole.

Slowly letting the head and neck follow the twist in the spine and gaze up to the ceiling. Do not over rotate the neck.

Hold for a minute. To come out from the pose, untwist your torso and slowly come back up to sit as you inhale. Switch the position of your legs for a twist to the other side.

When you are finished with the practice, cool down with Salamba Sarvangasana (Supported Shoulder Stand), Viparita Karanai (Legs-up-the-Wall Pose) and Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose). And of course, lastly with Savasana (Corpse Pose).

I hope you will enjoy the practice.



Waking up early is not as tough as before anymore. Trying to be as discipline as I could, my morning routine will be wake up without pushing the snooze button. That is one.  Two, pray and chant. Three, geared up and to the park I go. Walk, jog and stretch. I love stretching with the equipments we have in the park. Just be a little creative and have fun with them. I am loving every single thing around me and my every morning! 🙂


In conjunction with the National Day, there is a festival called Vintage Festival in Stadium Merdeka starting from the 28th of August to 1st of September. This is my first time consigning my GOPAKO pants. My sincere thanks to Shakirah for this golden opportunity for me to learn. I am really happy about it that my pants and some products are out there physically displayed. Go check out booth number 17, by Hey Summer. You will get to see nice stuffs there.

Have great day all!! Namaste, Melle.

The making of Harem Pants

harem pant the making

I have been dying to make Harem pants since I started wearing it.

There are a few names for these pants. Harem pants, Aladdin pants, Baggy pants, Hippie pants, Gypsy pants, Balloon or Parachute pants. It was popularized by M.C. Hammer in the late 80’s and became known as Hammer pants. Do you know who M.C. Hammer is? Hah!! Check this out if you don’t. You can’t touch this. Deng, deng deng deng. 😀

Ahem… attention back here. Traditional harem pants are extremely large and baggy, very roomy, super loose fitting, with drop down crotch almost to the ground and with elastic waist band and at ankles. Harem pants are very popular among backpackers from all over the world. It can be worn as beach and summer wear or even pregnant suit, dancers, wanderers, yogis, and everyone in between.

My style kinda changed bit by bit into something comfy and ‘lazy’. Harem pants is my favorite where I can simply pair them with flip-flop or sandals and simple tank for a effortlessly stylish and comfy look.

In my first attempt of drafting this pattern, it was such a headache. I can’t find the logic. Not at all. I then seek help from my mom. We both teamed up with lots of logical thinking, trial and errors. So much fun and moments we had. Of course we finally made it and I am very happy with the cutting.

Fabric selection is extremely careful in order for the fabrics to drape elegantly. The type of fabric really does matter as it can make or break this look. I have tried and tested with different type if fabrics. And yes, Rayon that it is. Sewing it is definitely not a problem. I enjoy it to the max.

Harem pants will be in the store on July 2, 2014.
I hope you will like it.



When I practice at home, I will start with Surya Namaskara – 2 sets a least with a few variations. It stretches the entire body especially when comes to lunge pose, I will stay for a few extra breath. I like it because it helps focus on the groin to open up the entire pelvis & hips.

I am back for classes now. I feel blessed that I don’t feel the intense pull when my legs are stretched wide open. Need to build up my strength back again. And I still need to keep doing the exercises from Mrs. Bains. So I decided to do Uttanasana for my lower back, calves and hamstring.

  1. Stand in TADASANA (Mountain Pose). Place your hands on your hips.
  2. Draw your knees and thighs up, lock your kneecaps, exhale – lengthen the spine out as you bend forward from the hips.
  3. Reach down with your back straight, and place your hands on the floor beside your feet and look up. Take one or two breaths.
  4. With an exhalation, extend your trunk down completely and allow your head to release toward the floor. To release further forward, lift your inner thighs up into the pelvis and lift your sit bones. Allow your breath to become quiet and even. Hold for 20-30 seconds.

    Variation: If you can’t reach your hand on the floor, place your hands on the block infront your feet and look up. Lengthening your spine to the crown of your head. Legs are straight. From here you can feel the excellent stretch on your legs.

I hope you enjoy the practice.

Namaste~ Melle


100% Handmade Iyengar Yoga Shorts.

Drafting, cutting and sewing.

The idea of hand-making the yoga shorts came from my very first yoga instructor, Shammee. She introduced me the shorts she bought from India and asked to duplicate this shorts for a performance about 3 years back and one for her.

It was kinda weird wearing the yoga shorts for the first few times. And not long after, I felt in love with it especially when I start Iyengar yoga. The elastic cuff keeps the shorts close to the skin especially during inverted poses. The Diamond shaped gusset allows me to move freely during the practice. Loose fitting increases mobility and comfort.


Now, here I am working passionately with Gopako. More ideas and new things to come. I sincerely hope that Gopako will have all of your continuous support.

~ Namaste.

Website in progress…

Gulp. So lost. Have spent more than 10 hours on the website and it’s not even 20% done. Unexpectedly tough but interesting. I am slowly catching up and all these are what worth doing! Hope that GOPAKO website can be launched officially by April. Fingers crossed. 🙂

Logging off for “savasana”. Wishing everyone a great day ahead.


Savasana – means corpse. In this asana the object is to imitate a corpse. Once life has departed, the body remains still and no movements are possible. By remaining motionless for some time and keeping the minds still while you are fully conscious, you learn to relax. This conscious relaxation invigorates and refreshes both body and mind. But it is much harder to keep the mind than the body still. Therefore, this apparently easy posture is one of the most difficult to master.

• Relaxes the entire body
• Calms the brain and helps relieve stress
• Reduces headache, fatigue and insomnia
• Develops BodyMind awarenss

Lie flat on the back with arms resting comfortably along the sides of the body, palms upward. Legs are extended and slightly turned outward; this translates down to the ankles and feet.

Find your place of complete physical comfort by making slight adjustments. Could your hips feel “more free” if you separated your ankles and feet a tiny bit more? What is going on along your spine? Is support of a blanket needed anywhere? Are your head and spine in a straight line? Be secure in your foundation before proceeding.

Close your eyes. Gently guide them to the place between your eyebrows, the Ajna or Sun Center. Relax the entire brow. Relax the jaw and let your chin drop down. Become aware of your natural breath and its rhythm.

Focus upon your Sun Center and call forth a feeling of tranquility. Let this sense of stillness and calm stream down into your whole body. Feel how Earth supports the weight of your body in its entirety. Let Go.

Remain here for 2 to 15 minutes

Say cheese…

My, oh my… never do I like being ‘the’ model but my choice is, let’s do it for GOPAKO.

In the photo above, I was deciding which shoes to go with. Red one? White or my all black Fipper.

We were so excited for the photoshooting session today and tomorrow or maybe till the day after tomorrow. Hope that we could get this done soon and we can get our website started. Feeling thrilled.

Erm… can I not look at the camera, please?


And in the end, I’m all so cropped out in most of the photos. Big grins.


The making…

We are so happy to see some improvement in GOPAKO.
Say, the labels for example.

We started off with this… not too bad right?


And we did silk screening after that… fun !!


And now !! Tada…


We have finally got what we wanted for quite some times. Now we have proper labels for our customers and it’s a super proud thing when we got them sewn on every single piece of shorts/pants. We will not stop silk screening. We will be doing it when the time comes. Namaste ~