

How’s your week? Hope you all have had a great one so far~ It’s Friday and it seems to be a long week to me. Hmm… my brain is not working because it has been hijacked by… cookies and coffee!! I am gonna take a break to satisfy my cravings, then I’ll come back with Oomph! *Grins*

Let’s take some time out of work schedule to slow down to appreciate the simple pleasures in life, people.

Happy Friday everyone and have a great weekend.


Waking up early is not as tough as before anymore. Trying to be as discipline as I could, my morning routine will be wake up without pushing the snooze button. That is one.  Two, pray and chant. Three, geared up and to the park I go. Walk, jog and stretch. I love stretching with the equipments we have in the park. Just be a little creative and have fun with them. I am loving every single thing around me and my every morning! 🙂


In conjunction with the National Day, there is a festival called Vintage Festival in Stadium Merdeka starting from the 28th of August to 1st of September. This is my first time consigning my GOPAKO pants. My sincere thanks to Shakirah for this golden opportunity for me to learn. I am really happy about it that my pants and some products are out there physically displayed. Go check out booth number 17, by Hey Summer. You will get to see nice stuffs there.

Have great day all!! Namaste, Melle.

Home practice…


Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana or Standing Split Pose is a transformation from a full front split (Hanumanasana – The Monkey Pose) into a vertical standing position. It strengthens the legs and stretches the hamstrings, calves, thighs and groin. It also helps improve balance especially when this pose is performed without a wall support.

Hanumanasana itself is a challenging pose. It is important to warm up the hamstring, muscles and joint before practicing this pose to ensure proper flexibility and strength. If you force yourself with greed and pride, you are risking yourself with serious injury. Sun salutation is one of the great sequences to begin to prepare your legs for the pose.

I’m pretty new in Standing Split Pose, so I am using the wall support to help establish balance and confidence. 🙂

Okay, let’s begin (after warm up, ya).

  1. Inhale and bend forward from your hips into Uttanasa (Standing Forward Bend) about 1 foot away from the wall.
  2. Place your palms on the floor. If you have difficulty, keep knees slightly bent. Make sure your hands are stay firmly grounded to the floor. Keep your hips squared.
  3. Bring your weight to the right leg and with your inhalation, lift your left leg up as high as possible on the wall. Keep your leg as straight as you can. If it’s difficult, walk your right foot away from the wall. If you can, try to walk your right foot back until it is as close to the wall as possible. To deepen the stretch, walk your hands closer to your right foot.
  4. Try maintaining an equal strength between both legs. Hold for 10 – 15 counts.
  5. Lower your leg as you exhale and repeat on the other side.

Please be careful with this pose if you have any back injury, lower back injury, ankle or knee injury. Always work within your own range of limits and abilities and listen to your body. I hope you will enjoy this practice as much as I did. Namaste.

Happiest 5K Run !!


Thank you peeps for your company and lots of fun we had together in this Color Run 2014. The very first time in Malaysia !! The happiest 5k run on the planet is what tag line is. And yes indeed, it is so true that I’ve almost forgotten how to have fun like a child !! I am missing it already and looking forward to the next fun running.

Oh… that’s me performing Upavista Konasana (Wide-Angle Seated Forward Bend) in the middle of the road of Jalan Parlimen. It is a rare chance to hog a road, you know? Hehe… it was superb !!

Life is so beautiful to have so many wonderful people around. I wish you all a very happy Monday and may you be blessed with lots of joy and laughter. Namaste. 🙂

Feeling GR8!!

… it has been a while since my last practice and I miss it dearly. Today I unrolled the mat and let’s get stretched. Yikes, stiff body but it was gr8 practicing sun salutation, a few forward and back bends, pelvic opening and lastly, shoulder stand and halasana (plough pose) with additional karnapidasana (knee to ear). More practice is needed in this pose until the knees come to the floor naturally. 🙂

Karnapidasana is an advancement of the Plough pose, a complete extension of the spine and relieves stress and calms the mind. Karnapidasana allows gentle stretch of the neck and opens the shoulders.

Performing this asana, exhale from halasana, releasing the knees to both sides of the head (next to the ears) and pointing the toes. Be careful not to roll over on to the head. With toes on the floor, lift top thighs and tail bone towards the ceiling and draw inner groins deep into the pelvis. Continue to draw chin away from your sternum and soften the throat.

To deepen this asana, interlace the fingers and stretch the arms. Stay for 10-20 counts practicing deep breathing. Roll back slowly.

Do not do this asana if you are menstruating as it is an inverted asana, it can upset the bodies natural flow. Do not practice this sequence when pregnant. Take precautions if you have neck or back problems or high blood pressure.

Let your breath be calm… smooth… and steady. Renew your hopes and dreams in this calming but energy releasing posture.

Hope you will enjoy your practice.



New in store!

harem pants

For the last couple of months, I’ve been cracking my head experimenting and getting the right fabrics for this Harem pants which is a favorite of mine. And now, I am so glad to finally have these Harem pants launched officially. There will be more to come. Do stay tuned. 🙂

I wanted to say thank you to everyone for supporting everything I do and for truly being happy for me. Your support means the world to me and motivates me to keep moving (slowly). For the guys out there, you are not forgotten. I am trying to figure out the cuttings of Iyengar yoga shorts that will suit you guys well. Please be patience with me. So much to thank… thank you.

Here I wish everyone on earth good health and may your day be full of joy!! Namaste

The making of Harem Pants

harem pant the making

I have been dying to make Harem pants since I started wearing it.

There are a few names for these pants. Harem pants, Aladdin pants, Baggy pants, Hippie pants, Gypsy pants, Balloon or Parachute pants. It was popularized by M.C. Hammer in the late 80’s and became known as Hammer pants. Do you know who M.C. Hammer is? Hah!! Check this out if you don’t. You can’t touch this. Deng, deng deng deng. 😀

Ahem… attention back here. Traditional harem pants are extremely large and baggy, very roomy, super loose fitting, with drop down crotch almost to the ground and with elastic waist band and at ankles. Harem pants are very popular among backpackers from all over the world. It can be worn as beach and summer wear or even pregnant suit, dancers, wanderers, yogis, and everyone in between.

My style kinda changed bit by bit into something comfy and ‘lazy’. Harem pants is my favorite where I can simply pair them with flip-flop or sandals and simple tank for a effortlessly stylish and comfy look.

In my first attempt of drafting this pattern, it was such a headache. I can’t find the logic. Not at all. I then seek help from my mom. We both teamed up with lots of logical thinking, trial and errors. So much fun and moments we had. Of course we finally made it and I am very happy with the cutting.

Fabric selection is extremely careful in order for the fabrics to drape elegantly. The type of fabric really does matter as it can make or break this look. I have tried and tested with different type if fabrics. And yes, Rayon that it is. Sewing it is definitely not a problem. I enjoy it to the max.

Harem pants will be in the store on July 2, 2014.
I hope you will like it.
