Home practice…


Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana or Standing Split Pose is a transformation from a full front split (Hanumanasana – The Monkey Pose) into a vertical standing position. It strengthens the legs and stretches the hamstrings, calves, thighs and groin. It also helps improve balance especially when this pose is performed without a wall support.

Hanumanasana itself is a challenging pose. It is important to warm up the hamstring, muscles and joint before practicing this pose to ensure proper flexibility and strength. If you force yourself with greed and pride, you are risking yourself with serious injury. Sun salutation is one of the great sequences to begin to prepare your legs for the pose.

I’m pretty new in Standing Split Pose, so I am using the wall support to help establish balance and confidence. 🙂

Okay, let’s begin (after warm up, ya).

  1. Inhale and bend forward from your hips into Uttanasa (Standing Forward Bend) about 1 foot away from the wall.
  2. Place your palms on the floor. If you have difficulty, keep knees slightly bent. Make sure your hands are stay firmly grounded to the floor. Keep your hips squared.
  3. Bring your weight to the right leg and with your inhalation, lift your left leg up as high as possible on the wall. Keep your leg as straight as you can. If it’s difficult, walk your right foot away from the wall. If you can, try to walk your right foot back until it is as close to the wall as possible. To deepen the stretch, walk your hands closer to your right foot.
  4. Try maintaining an equal strength between both legs. Hold for 10 – 15 counts.
  5. Lower your leg as you exhale and repeat on the other side.

Please be careful with this pose if you have any back injury, lower back injury, ankle or knee injury. Always work within your own range of limits and abilities and listen to your body. I hope you will enjoy this practice as much as I did. Namaste.


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