My Humble Yoga Journey – Parsvabhujadandasana

Mmm…mm… how pathetic I am for not being able to make my time to update my blog here. I am not sure whether or not anyone will bother with what I am up to lately, but well… I am back blogging. 🙂

I am currently juggling in between Graphic Designing, Gopako, sewing, handcraft thingy, family and friends. Not to forget my personal time for yoga practice at home. I started self-learning from books and videos ever since I followed many inspiring yogis on Instagram (IG). I honestly got so inspired, so motivated and I am having so much fun exploring new asana. But hey, don’t get me wrong… I will be back to classes soon. And be back to teaching as soon as I got myself settled down with the juggles.

I remind myself:

There is no use trying to rush fate, because the best things in life are worth the wait.

Okay, here’s one of new asanas that I have not tried before. It is called Grasshopper pose or Parsvabhujadandasana in sanskrit.


It’s not quite there as I have not much knowledge, flexibility and strength for this asana. Therefore, I started with my face down on a bolster and then slowly I lift myself up. I am not quite sure if I got this right, this is just my own experiment with the props that I have. This asana requires flexibility on the hips and arms and core strength. There’s so much I have to learn. Guess what, I stepped my feet so hard I have got big blue black patches on my arms. Ouch but fun! 😀 I got one awesome tip from one of the yogis on IG. She is so smart to wrap her arms around with a band to avoid the bruises. Good one!

Let go the ego today and it will be a good day for the soul.

P/S: This is a backdated photo in September, I will try to catch up and update more. Thank you for reading. Namaste.

My Humble Yoga Journey, Gopako.


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