Backbend practice…

I believe many of us did this when we were younger. I very like doing this with my sisters and friends back then. It was fun and I still do like doing this and more to learn.

1. Lie on your back. Bend your knees and bring your feet on the floor close to your sitting bones with hips width apart.
2. Place your palms on the floor just above your shoulders with fingers spread wide apart, finger tips pointing towards yourself.
3. Press evenly into your feet and lift your hips and lower back off the mat, into a baby bridge.
4. Press evenly into your palms and lift your upper torso off the mat, bringing the crown of your head lightly touch on the mat.
5. Firmly grounding your hands and feet, press your palms once again to straighten the arms and lift your head off the floor.
6. Let the neck be long and relax. Breathe easily. Repeat from 3 to 10 times.
7. To come out of the pose, slowly bend the arms and legs, tuck in the chin towards the chest and lower your spine from your shoulders to your lower back to the floor.

1. Stretches the chest and lungs
2. Strengthens the arms and wrists, legs, buttocks, abdomen, and spine
3. Stimulates the thyroid and pituitary
4. Increases energy and counteracts depression
5. Therapeutic for asthma, back pain, infertility, and osteoporosis

Contraindications and Cautions
1. Back injury
2. Carpal tunnel syndrome
3. Diarrhea
4. Headache
5. Heart problems
6. High or low blood pressure

I wish everyone happy bending, haha and have a great day ahead. Namaste.


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