Let’s do the twist…

1. Utkatasana – Chair Pose.

chair pose

From a standing position, bring feet together, spread the weight evenly and ground the feet firmly into the earth with toes actively lifted. Bend the knees by sinking the buttocks down, weight of the body is on the heels of the feet and not on the knees. Extend both arms up in line with your ears.Look straight ahead. The neck is a natural extension of the spine.

2. Parirvtta Utkatasana – Revolved Chair Pose.

chair pose twist

From chair pose, bring palms together at the heart in prayer position (namaskar). Lengthen your spine as you twist the upper body to one side with the heart opening towards the sky. The bottom elbow is on the outside of the opposite knee and the upper elbow reaches towards the sky. Keeping the chest lifted the whole time, arms are lifted up towards the sky, look straight ahead and keep breathing.

3. Utthita Parirvtta Utkatasana – Revolved Chair Pose with Extended Arms.

chair pose twist arms extended

To deepen the pose, extend both arms from revolved chair pose. Reach one arm up to the sky and the other reached down to the earth. Place the elbow outside the knee and place palm on the floor by the outter side of the foot. You can also place your left hand on a block depending on your flexibility. Roll your shoulders to the back to broaden the chest. Ribcage is lifted and the heart is open. Then slowly turn your head to look up to the sky, unless it hurts your neck, gaze towards the earth. Breathe.

Adding revolved chair pose in your practice increases circulation by not only using every muscles in your body but also the twisting helps wake up your internal organs and aids digestions. It helps warm your body, and strengthen your spine and legs.

Tomorrow is Buddha Day. I wish you all Happy Wesak Day. Let’s do some twisting to challenge your practice. Namaste, Melle.


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