My Humble Yoga Journey – Kurmasana


I remember when I was first introduced to Kurmasana or Tortoise Pose like 3 years ago, it was so tough I felt like a mission impossible. I never bother to give it another try since then.

I got inspired by so many yogis on IG and so I thought of giving my body an opportunity to work on this asana. To my surprise, I got into the pose quite easily albeit it does not look perfect. I am not ashamed to show this because perfection doesn’t concern me. The concern is I need to let go of the past failures and give myself a chance right now, today and many more fun days to come.

This asana gives the entire back an intense stretch. The legs whole spine is stretched. So be sure to warm up first. Let’s together we enjoy our practice. Keep practicing and believe that all will come.

Here’s a beautiful saying.

When you focus on problems, you will have more problems. When you focus on possibilities, you will have more opportunities.

Psst~ I love my spandex tights which is so comfortable for my home practice.

My Humble Yoga Journey, Gopako.



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