My Humble Yoga Journey – Tittibhasana


My first Tittibhasana or Firefly pose. I always admire all the great yogis out there in this asana. Of course I wish so badly that I could do it but have no guts at all to really try it. Well, I tried it but without putting any effort or understand it and so I failed.

I check out some tutorials on youtube and reference from books and hit my mat to work on it. I was surprised at first when I managed to lift both legs up followed by witnessing the progress of straightening them. That was amazing and by nailing this asana, it gave me hope and confidence to try new poses that makes me believe in this saying which goes like this.

“Stop waiting for things to come. Go out and make them happen”.

It is happening and I am so amazed by it. By the look of my pose, I need a lot of practice. A lot of flexibilities and strength to do better. Namaste.

My Humble Yoga Journey, Gopako.


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