The making of Harem Pants

harem pant the making

I have been dying to make Harem pants since I started wearing it.

There are a few names for these pants. Harem pants, Aladdin pants, Baggy pants, Hippie pants, Gypsy pants, Balloon or Parachute pants. It was popularized by M.C. Hammer in the late 80’s and became known as Hammer pants. Do you know who M.C. Hammer is? Hah!! Check this out if you don’t. You can’t touch this. Deng, deng deng deng. 😀

Ahem… attention back here. Traditional harem pants are extremely large and baggy, very roomy, super loose fitting, with drop down crotch almost to the ground and with elastic waist band and at ankles. Harem pants are very popular among backpackers from all over the world. It can be worn as beach and summer wear or even pregnant suit, dancers, wanderers, yogis, and everyone in between.

My style kinda changed bit by bit into something comfy and ‘lazy’. Harem pants is my favorite where I can simply pair them with flip-flop or sandals and simple tank for a effortlessly stylish and comfy look.

In my first attempt of drafting this pattern, it was such a headache. I can’t find the logic. Not at all. I then seek help from my mom. We both teamed up with lots of logical thinking, trial and errors. So much fun and moments we had. Of course we finally made it and I am very happy with the cutting.

Fabric selection is extremely careful in order for the fabrics to drape elegantly. The type of fabric really does matter as it can make or break this look. I have tried and tested with different type if fabrics. And yes, Rayon that it is. Sewing it is definitely not a problem. I enjoy it to the max.

Harem pants will be in the store on July 2, 2014.
I hope you will like it.


Lemon and Honey Juice

Drinking lemon juice and honey in the morning is good for health. I have been consuming not-so-healthy meals lately and I need to aid my digestion and cleanse my systems. Thanks mom-in-law for making this thirst quenching and healthy drinks for me during my visit in Kluang.

These are a few benefits that I personally know and online research to top-up my knowledge.

• Aids Digestion. Lemon, honey and warm water combined help give your digestion an instant boost.
• Cleanses your system. Helps flush out unwanted materials in part because lemons increase the rate of urination in the body.
• Beats constipation.
• Boosts Your Immune System.
• Balances pH Levels.
• Improves oral health
• Increases your chances of weight loss
• Can give you clear skin.
• Energizes You and Enhances Your Mood.
• Hydrates Your Lymph System.
• Aids in Weight Loss.


• Have a glass or jug of water. Warm or normal room temperature. NOT hot water.
• Squeeze 1/4 to 1/2 a lemon and add one teaspoon of honey to it.
• I also add slices of lemon for more taste.
• Mix well and it’s ready to drink.

I hope you will enjoy it and have a lovely day.

Sun Salutation…

Yay!! I have finally got the infographic for Sun Salutation done. I can now share the sequence with everyone. 🙂

Did you know?

Stiffness of the body can be due to 3 main causes.
1. Muscular tension/ muscle bulk.
2. Tightness in the tendon/ ligaments.
3. Toxic deposits in the joints.

By practicing Surya Namaskar also known as Sun Salution, it stretches, massages, tones and stimulates all the muscles, vital organs and physical parts by alternatively flexing the body backwards and forwards.

Here is a series of 12 easy-to-follow steps. Repeat both side of the legs to complete 1 set. Let’s do 5 sets a day, 3 times a week or everyday if possible. 🙂

Happy practice and have a lovely evening.
Love and peace, Melle.

Backbend practice…

I believe many of us did this when we were younger. I very like doing this with my sisters and friends back then. It was fun and I still do like doing this and more to learn.

1. Lie on your back. Bend your knees and bring your feet on the floor close to your sitting bones with hips width apart.
2. Place your palms on the floor just above your shoulders with fingers spread wide apart, finger tips pointing towards yourself.
3. Press evenly into your feet and lift your hips and lower back off the mat, into a baby bridge.
4. Press evenly into your palms and lift your upper torso off the mat, bringing the crown of your head lightly touch on the mat.
5. Firmly grounding your hands and feet, press your palms once again to straighten the arms and lift your head off the floor.
6. Let the neck be long and relax. Breathe easily. Repeat from 3 to 10 times.
7. To come out of the pose, slowly bend the arms and legs, tuck in the chin towards the chest and lower your spine from your shoulders to your lower back to the floor.

1. Stretches the chest and lungs
2. Strengthens the arms and wrists, legs, buttocks, abdomen, and spine
3. Stimulates the thyroid and pituitary
4. Increases energy and counteracts depression
5. Therapeutic for asthma, back pain, infertility, and osteoporosis

Contraindications and Cautions
1. Back injury
2. Carpal tunnel syndrome
3. Diarrhea
4. Headache
5. Heart problems
6. High or low blood pressure

I wish everyone happy bending, haha and have a great day ahead. Namaste.

Let’s do the twist…

1. Utkatasana – Chair Pose.

chair pose

From a standing position, bring feet together, spread the weight evenly and ground the feet firmly into the earth with toes actively lifted. Bend the knees by sinking the buttocks down, weight of the body is on the heels of the feet and not on the knees. Extend both arms up in line with your ears.Look straight ahead. The neck is a natural extension of the spine.

2. Parirvtta Utkatasana – Revolved Chair Pose.

chair pose twist

From chair pose, bring palms together at the heart in prayer position (namaskar). Lengthen your spine as you twist the upper body to one side with the heart opening towards the sky. The bottom elbow is on the outside of the opposite knee and the upper elbow reaches towards the sky. Keeping the chest lifted the whole time, arms are lifted up towards the sky, look straight ahead and keep breathing.

3. Utthita Parirvtta Utkatasana – Revolved Chair Pose with Extended Arms.

chair pose twist arms extended

To deepen the pose, extend both arms from revolved chair pose. Reach one arm up to the sky and the other reached down to the earth. Place the elbow outside the knee and place palm on the floor by the outter side of the foot. You can also place your left hand on a block depending on your flexibility. Roll your shoulders to the back to broaden the chest. Ribcage is lifted and the heart is open. Then slowly turn your head to look up to the sky, unless it hurts your neck, gaze towards the earth. Breathe.

Adding revolved chair pose in your practice increases circulation by not only using every muscles in your body but also the twisting helps wake up your internal organs and aids digestions. It helps warm your body, and strengthen your spine and legs.

Tomorrow is Buddha Day. I wish you all Happy Wesak Day. Let’s do some twisting to challenge your practice. Namaste, Melle.

Good morning…

… today is my second class with a nice group of people. It’s a blessing for me to learn the principle of receiving and giving which is fun to do. It brings lots of energy of love, harmony and laughter to my life. It allows me to notice the natural flow of life and the beauty around me. =)

Here I wish you all happiness, joy and laughter. Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful moms in the entire universe. I am gonna spend some quality time with my lovely family. Have a lovely day.

Namaste, Melle.

A beautiful Saturday…

… I always enjoy driving in the morning watching the sun rises. It’s so refreshing. Of course not when you are stuck in a jam, worry for a parking space and hope to be in the office before the bosses that kinda morning drive. I am blessed that I am self-employed who is trying to be as discipline as I could but lately, I have problem waking up early. Once I snooze, I am snoozing every minute for 30 minutes, sometimes 1 hour. OMG! I have to kick the habit.

Today, I woke up at 6:50am. Snoozed for 5 minutes. Not bad right? And there I got myself prepared for a class in Kajang. Waze all set and let’s go!! The journey seemed long and felt like driving out of state. I like it. What a joyride.

When I have reached the destination, I wondered if I’ve got the right place. Quiet. I doubted for a couple of minutes. I can’t sit there for nothing, I have to check out the place. I got out from the car heading towards the front door. First I pressed the bell. Nope, no response. I try reaching my hand to the latch, it’s unlock. I mean, there is no pad lock. Okay, I slowly let myself in preparing my mind for trespassing. I peeped through the window. I saw familiar setups in the living hall. There are ropes hanging on the wall, mirrors and props. Phew~ thank goodness that Waze did not lead me to ‘Holland’!! That’s what many friends complaining that Waze leads them to the wrong place called “Holland”. *Shrug*. But Waze is my best navigator!!

Alright, I am at the right place. What’s next? Where are the students? Am I early or am I late? I am very sure that the class starts at 8am. Checked my watch and it reads 7:40am. Last resort, I have to make a call. But I don’t have her number!? Oh my goodness… Aha!! We can make calls via Facebook. Did you notice that? “Morning Kazumi, this is Melle. No class today? I am here. Downstairs. At your front door.”

Unfortunately but fortunately. The class was cancelled. I was led inside and proposed to practice 108 sets of sun salutation. But I hesitated. I thought of having a quick visit and a quick chat then go. I was served with coffee and pamelo for breakfast. Our conversation began. Then I was served with Tulasi herb tea after coffee. It makes the conversation longer and excited. And as always, time flies and we felt a burning sensation in the stomach. We both teamed up and lunch was served. A very spontaneous and simple yet delicious lunch. The conversation seems like forever.

Things happened for a reason. If the class was not cancelled, I don’t think that we could have spent such a wonderful time together. Thank you Kazumi for sharing your experience and your encouragements mean a lot to me. I’m so grateful to meet beautiful people around.

Have a beautiful Saturday to all the beautiful people around the world.
Namaste, Melle.


Home practice…

… at times, I enjoy practicing at home especially when you are home alone. Whoot!! That’s when you get to enjoy the alone time. Say yes to agree with me please. That’s when no one will say me giler when I am experimenting and practicing. And then tumble and fall, clumsily. Voilà!!

It’s a rainy evening and there’s nowhere I will be going. I wish you all a pleasant evening and enjoy your practice. 🙂
Namaste, Melle.

i heart sewing…

… supposed to attend a class in Kajang but body was too sore from yesterday’s class. Reluctant for home-practice either. I repeatedly mumbled, ‘Mind over matters. Mind over matters’ but it’s not working. I am in o.u.c.h. !! =P

Tsk tsk tsk…

But hey, I spent most of my Saturday sewing for new products to be launched in May. I do good. I feel good. 😀

I wish you all who drop by my blog a very nice Saturday.
Love and peace, Melle.